
By Almondblossom


The warm weather continues and I’ve taken off to visit my mum in Dorset before the medical sh*t hits the fan in the next couple of weeks (I hope). The train journey was sublimely easy - trains on time, a new knitting project, lunch and a story book made it perfect.

My mum doesn’t much like to go out on her own so when I’m around we try to make up for those lost steps. There’s quite a broad sweep of paths, rough steps and slopes to and from the beach near her flat that she did very well to cope with on her 91 year old pins. We’ll be doing it again on both of the next two days. There are lots of burgeoning sea thrift colonies growing in the spaces between the sea defence rocks, which also make good resting places before tackling the next challenge. They’re such cheerful and tenacious little plants, I love ‘em.

As you can see in extras, there were quite a few people on the beach too. The other is my mum and I taking a breather.

Thank you all for your recent likes, hearts and comments, they’re very much appreciated.
I hope good weekend we’re had by all :-)

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