Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Normal service

I’ve missed a few Mondays at my favourite little coffee shop so I put that right this morning.

News from Plymouth, my mum fell down some steps in the garden. The worst injuries are a broken collar bone and several broken vertebrae; fortunately her two neighbours are police officers, who my stepdad says vaulted over the hedge and stabilised her while they waited for the ambulance. 24 hours later she was still in A and E waiting for a bed although she was next on the waiting list. That did mean she couldn’t have any visitors or phone calls so she must be very confused. I can ring at 10 this morning to find out more, although initially they said the back injury didn’t require surgery. My stepdad Chris is shaken up and so hindered by not having internet or a mobile phone. I’m glad I got to see her for the week last month  ~ she was doing so well but I knew a crisis was just around the corner. Hopefully this will mean they finally accept some help - although I’m not convinced. The ironic thing is that when she was so poorly two years ago she was absolutely adamant it was because she’d fallen down the garden steps - that wasn’t it at all but nothing would persuade her. Maybe it was a premonition!

EDIT - she's now on an elderly care ward and on some strong pain meds so she's groggy but still cracking jokes. We shall see how things progress from here, but she's safe and being well cared for.

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