
By Mikey88


I think this plant is called Goatsbeard. It grows to about six feet tall and produces cascades of these beautiful long white flowers. When it flowers, I feel that summer has arrived. Sadly, they only stay as pure white as this for a few days and then they slowly turn brown. Along with the peonies, they are my favourite flowers in the garden.

It was a busy day today. I started off photographing the dress rehearsal for the Y4/Y6 production at my old school. They did 'The Sound of Music', which is pretty ambitious and they made a pretty good job of it. The singing an speaking was a little quiet, but it was their first time in full costume, and their first audience - albeit only the children from nursery and reception classes, but a bit daunting, nonetheless. The scenery was excellent and the costumes their usual high standard, so all an all, an impressive performance, and the children looked great.

I came away with some four hundred and twenty pictures to process in time for Monday, to give the parents chance to order some prints, if they want any. May not see too much of the sunshine over the weekend!

The performance lasted for two hours, so I didn't get away until just after twelve, and then had to rush home to pick my daughter up to take her to work.

As I normally do the shopping on a Friday morning, I took the bags and went straight into town to do the shopping. That was a bit of a trek, but I got it done. I even had time to call in at the bank. It is a Lloyds and is one of the ones which will turn into a TSB at the end of August. Unfortunately, our accounts are elsewhere in the country and those banks are not changing to TSB, which means all sorts of inconveniences.

Leaving our accounts here with Lloyds is not an option, as it would mean travelling a minimum of twelve miles to get to a branch, so it looks like we are going to have a bit of sorting out to do and letters to write.

Summer seems to have arrived as predicted. It's warm and balmy, and promises to be the same tomorrow. I think I'm going to make the effort and get up extremely early and go down to the river and catch the early morning light. On the other hand, it may be much too comfortable in bed!

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