
By HeidiHH

Moving day

for the plants. Most of them. I still have all the hanging pots on the windows inside, but the rest are out of the house.

Most went into the greenhouse. At least previous summer they have loved it. So much light and humidity. Bigger plants are next to the house on the terrace. Smaller ones in the greenhouse. In the picture is about 1/3 of the lot. 

It's gonna be a nice week over here. Today it went up to 18°C and the rest of the week will be topping at 22-24°C with nice sunshine. I'll need to water the garden a lot, but that's okay. This is so good after the long winter.

I also tore down the coating of the kitchen island. It took me 2 hours! I had to wear noise canceling headphones because the cracking epoxy made such horrible banging noise. Poor Buddha was very upset. I put a new coating to almost whole island. One section needs some extra support, which my husband will put in place tomorrow when he comes. Then I can coat the rest of the table. The old coating was like white marble, and the new one is like dark grey concrete or such. I think it looks very good already.

So another busy day dealing with my list of chores. Did some planting outside too. Will continue that tomorrow. There's just so much to do. So much I wanna do in the garden right now. Planting is so much fun with the expectations and starting to see the results. I can already see lots of little green plants on the flower pots. I'm expecting lots of flowers this summer too.

In the greenhouse I have tomatoes and cucumbers. Sadly the little cucumber plants seem to have died during the very cold week in spite of me covering them up every evening. Tomatoes are doing better. Hopefully the seeds that were in the ground are still good to go,

Outside in the garden I have already put some chives, spinach and salads and zucchini. The herbs that I bought: hyssop, oregano and mint chocolate.  Yes, mint that tastes like chocolate. I guess it can be used in desserts. I have no idea what I will do with it, but who can not buy a herb that is mint chocolate?


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