Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Elephant's Ears

More from the garden and this is the first time I can ever remember this bergenia flowering.  

Rain has returned this evening after a glorious week of spring weather.  In fact it already felt different when I walked to the swimming pool in shorts, first thing.  There was a definite cooler feel to the air.  I was chuffed to completed my mile in under 32 minutes, the first time I've done that for a while.  It probably helped that the other swimmer in the lane was challenging to stay ahead of him.

A blood test at the GP followed immediately to check on various functions after going on statins a couple of months ago. I have queried again why I have been offered them, as my latest cholesterol level was below 4.  The pharmacist at the practice called me later and will review my results and discuss further later in the week.

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