
By maureen6002


We’re in Meols - strangely on our own as Lili and her parents are off on their first big adventure - travelling to Germany to visit Solveig’s grandparents for the first time. It will be quite a family reunion as her parents and sister are flying in from New York; needless to say, Lili will be the centre of attention. 

So we’re here, planning to explore a bit of Wirral, and G also wants to work on the garden - though the weather forecast is poor for both activities! Daniel is a keen gardener, but the combination of starting up his own company and having a new baby means there’s very little time this year, so G’s keen to help. 

So today’s blip’s another flower - a life-cycle triptych of a Welsh Poppy, though this one’s made its way across the border. Technically a wild flower, and very often seen as an invasive weed, I love to see them growing in our gardens. 

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