curns' corner

By curns

St. John's Wood

After work, most people skipped out to the pub at the end of the day whereas I boarded a Central Line to start a journey to St. John’s Wood.

I thought the trip would be a bit much for the end of the day. Linda had picked a pub that seemed very much out of the way but, in fact, it was a lovely walk through St John’s Wood to The Clifton.  I met PY, who was walking in from the opposite direction on the street near the pub. We joined a small group of people at the back in the conservatory to spend some time with Linda. As we were reasonably early we had time with her before others arrived. 

As the evening wore on a more people gathered we saw less and less of Lina but did speak to a couple of lovely people: a Croatian lady who’d known Linda for a few years and met through the Croatian community and, another lady, who also lived about a boat, although this one was moored in out east: I can’t remember if it was Limehouse or St Katherine’s Dock.

We headed homeward about 8:30pm and ordered an Indian takeaway which arrived not long after we got home. There was a mass of food which will last us into tomorrow and it was really good quality. Another indulgent meal but it seemed easiest.

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