Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Wet and dry

It rained all night and into this morning, but we'd planned our day with this in mind. By mid-morning the rain had more or less given up, so we set off on a three mile walk up the nearby Colby Glen, a small glen with a lovely rushing river and several waterfalls - my Blip today.

Back to the house for lunch, then we drove into Douglas to buy a few things and to do some exploring. We bought four three-day travel passes to get us about the island for the rest of the week, mostly by steam train. We had planned to visit the Camera Obscura, but for reasons unknown it's only open at weekends.

By this time the sun had come out and it was pretty warm. We drove up to the magnificent Marine Drive, a former tramway cut into the cliffs and then turned into a road, though now partially closed to traffic due to sections collapsing. Wonderful views, and . . . . . choughs! We didn't see any close up, but many flew overhead uttering their distinctive calls.

Back down to the town - we thought we'd buy ice creams then return to the Marine Drive to enjoy the view, but we couldn't find anywhere selling them! There was a cafe on the prom, but it was closed. So we did without them and walked a little further along to see the statues of the Bee Gees, the famous Isle of Man born pop stars and one of my favourite bands - this is my extra today.

Then back to the house to enjoy drinks in the garden.

Quote of the Day: 'I was always the one left behind. Out in the streets, when they saw me they'd say, that's just one of the Bee Gees' - Maurice Gibb.

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