love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


I did not want to go to church on Mother’s Day. For the first time, I did not think I could bear hearing about mothers. The celebration brought up memories I did not want to deal with and I was angry. But I put on my dress and went. My Sunday School sisters lifted my spirits some but I still dreaded church. We sit in the front foyer as J is on the security team. I’m sitting there missing Matt and the kids, feeling sorry for all of us when the cutest little boy came over and started playing with me. He knows us and is precious. (Extra)
Friends came in with their little grand daughter . This child does not know us at all. Yet, when they sat down, she rushed back to me and sat with us all during church. At children’s church, each child was given a flower to give to their mother. This child rushed past her grandmother and brought it to me. Well I took her to her grandmother, who looked at me with tears in her eyes and said: No. she wants you to have it.
I lost it. I could not hold it together any longer. I went to the bathroom and prayed for forgiveness for feeling sorry for myself and I thanked Him for His kindness and compassion in giving us what we need when we need it.
We went home and got settled. Then I got the text. My friends daughter, ( the one I took pictures of her and her daughter), went to Jesus on Mother’s Day, of all days. We went to be with them for the rest of the day.
I was reminded that we are only blessed to be a blessing to others.

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