
By suehutton

Cow Parsley

I love seeing cow parsley lining road verges and in meadows. I think it makes everything look like fairy land with its frothy foliage. The one place I didn't expect to see it was in our garden. This sturdy plant set seed by the pond. I expect it will spread.

Len and I went to Loughborough for our Covid vaccinations today. The Emmanuel church hall was hosting the receptionist manager and the nurse, and us!  More recipients were expected in the afternoon. Basil of course impressed them both.

Afterwards, we drove to Olivia's at The Outwoods. I took my bread because I'm always ill after eating Olivia's gluten free offering. I settled for an egg and bacon toastie with fried egg and streaky bacon. Len had an enormous breakfast bun. We both had decaff lattes and a glass of water as advised by the nurse. We have to keep up our liquid intake.

Back home, I finished my book project and uploaded it to Blurb.

There was a heavy downpour shortly after 4 pm. Basil was frightened by the thunder.

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