Living my dream

By Mima

Black sheep

Farmer Ross has just put this flock of sheep into the big paddock at the bottom of Paradise Gully Road. And true to form with new arrivals, they think that Bean and I are herding them when we wander along the road below them. 

By the time we reached the gate of S&N's - through which we walked - the entire flock was gathered at the far end of their paddock. When we came out again, they herded themselves all the way back :-) 

In a few days' time they will have grown accustomed to people on the road and will ignore us.

There are four black sheep in amongst the white ones. It led me to wonder why rogues are called the black sheep of the family? Something to do with Jacob in the bible? Something to do with black fleeces being worthless? Who knows? For once it appears to be a phrase not accredited to Shakespeare though.

It was a chilly walk in the teeth of a southerly wind which contained the odd freezing raindrop. It was stupid rain: enough to annoy; but nothing like enough to damp the soil.

I am watering the herbaceous borders today, having discovered they were like dust when I went to plant a couple of new things in them yesterday. This drought is ridiculous. I have never watered in May before.

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