Light entertainment

By annejohn

Sun on the daisies

With a couple of dandelion clocks and some speedwell .. 

More leaf clearing and weeding along the edge of the old wall that is the boundary with the road. The tree man came to survey later on. 

Walked around by Scotston, the low hill and the high hill which was where there was breeze as well as warm sunshine. Spotted what looked like it could have been a house fire so turned back to investigate; someone burning rotted roof timbers inside old (original Carnousie Estate farm buildings, so built around 1800) stone. Talked to the fairly new owner who had a hose to hand and had notified the fire brigade, so it was under control. 

Talked to another group of three women on the low hill road; everyone wants to know who you are and if you are local. Lots of skylarks singing their hearts out, and actually saw one soaring. Some swallows, a coot at the pond.

There could have been more blips of landscape and cattle, but the daisies presented themselves in the sunshine for a Hobbit reference. 20C and sunny most of the day after the morning mist cleared off. 

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