
By Hillyblips

There be Dragons

A female scarce chaser lurked in the grasses and buttercups on my way to the lake. I was pretty thrilled to spot it as it wasn't too obvious.

I was on my way to see if the club-tails had emerged yet and found a lonely one on the side of the path on a nettle and as I'd been searching the area for some days I was thrilled with that too!

EVEN more thrilling this morning as I checked our pond was the emergence of a female emperor dragonfly deep in the reeds and I only spotted her because the sun just caught her glistening new wings. In trying to get a better shot by gently moving the reed obstructions she decided she'd had enough of me and flew. A smiling emperor in the Extra. 

Calling on Tammy's interior design expertise this afternoon I think we've sorted the hall paint colours between us whilst Poppy and Watson her dachshund trotted round exploring together.

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