
By Grammy

Kousa Dogwood

Hubby got up at 6:00. He wanted to return the camper to my mother’s in time bring her to meet me at the Podiatrist. He had a few jobs Momma needed done while he was there. I got up and washed a load of laundry, did minor housework and went to the appointment location. The office was dark and locked. When I called to see what was going on, the recording said they were closed. The doctor had surgery today. We aren’t sure if they called my mother to reschedule or not. She could not remember. I offered to take her anyplace she’d like to go. Her choice was “home” so I headed south. Once she was settled, I left to pick up meds and the last few groceries for the trip. This gorgeous dogwood is blooming on the school property at the entrance of Jamie’s neighborhood. Same type tree I lost last year. Hubby cut the grass and packed for the trip. I’m making a blueberry coffee cake; bacon, ham and cheese quiche and maybe scones for Parker. Having trouble staying awake so Parker may have to wait until we return next Friday. Our home seems so empty and quiet. Both of us “hear Millie meow. This is the first time we haven’t had pets since we’ve known each other. Feels strange. Hope you had a nice day. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “Dogwoods are great optimists. Daffodils wait and see, crouching firmly underground just in case spring doesn’t come this year, but dogwoods have faith.” — Barbara Holland

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