Robin at large

By Robin

Day 5 - Dubrovnik

After disembarking we were booked on a panoramic tour around the surroundings of Dubrovnik. Some spectacular views of the city from the hills around, Although the best view involved more stairs than I was prepared to climb.

The tour bus dropped us off at the gate leading into the city. The queue to make our way through the gate into the old city demonstrated that Dubrovnik is one of those cities that have been totally swamped by tourism. “Game of Thrones” has probably not helped.

We made our way slowly through the gate and stopped at the first café we saw for a cappuccino. This was one of the more expensive coffees I have ever had, And there was even a €2 charge for the toilet.

We had an extensive walk around the city, stopping for a beer at one point in a backstreet. This was not outrageously expensive, about the only thing in Dubrovnik that was not. We later had an ice cream, again possibly the most expensive ice cream I have ever had.

Around mid afternoon, we decided to return to the ship. We had to get a bus from the old city over to the port. Though there is a bus about every 10 minutes, it was very crowded. It is quite a short journey and I made the mistake of getting off one stop to early which helped our step count for the day.

There were three cruise ships at Dubrovnik today, two in the port and one using tenders to take people into the old town. Considering we are not yet in high season, I would hate to be here when it is any busier than it was today.

The photograph is taken in the evening just before we were leaving the city. 

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