
By maureen6002


It’s a day of visiting family. The weather is stunning as we drive along the coast, the sea flat calm and almost Mediterranean in colour. 

First stop G’s mum in Bangor then on to G’s brother and wife in a tiny village called Rhos Isaf where we have lunch. We spend a really lovely few hours catching up on news. Ann, like me, has a chronic illness which means regular visits to Liverpool’s various hospitals - though hers is a complex sarcoidosis which affects her eyes, joints and now - worryingly - her heart. We joke about just how popular we must be with the local health board who receive the bills from Liverpool (health being devolved in Wales) and how grateful we are that we have been referred to the university trust rather than relying on treatment here in Wales. 

Their old cottage overlooks farmland which stretches down to the straits and over towards Anglesey, affording glorious views. We wander in the garden, talking of the logic of moving closer to our children, but, as Ann says, could they ever move away from here? 

Our plan is to go on from here to Cwm Pennant to see the bluebells but the weather has other ideas. They were still beautiful at the weekend when H and A visited; iwe’ll try to again on Monday hoping they’ll still be in flower. 

So instead of Cwm Pennant’s bluebells, you have an orange tip on green alkanet taken before the rain set in. I must admit, this is a new plant name for me. I initially thought this was forget me not, but clearly I was wrong! 

And as an extra, you have my camera club medals, picked up on the way home as I was unable to attend the AGM. They look more impressive than they actually are, but I’m pleased to have them at the end of my first season when I wasn’t even sure I’d enter any competitions. Third overall in Intermediate, third in PDI and second in Print. Having quietly taken photos on my own for years just to please myself, joining the club was quite a step for me, but I’m glad I did. I’ve made new friends, learned lots from workshops, and I’m now much more aware of what judges look for - though of course they’re all different. I now need to decide whether to spend move up to Advanced. Decisions, decisions …..

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