
By tridral

Rhywbeth gwahanol

Hapus gyda'r gwaith ~ Something different

“The garden runs through our lives like a river through a field, like air in our lungs. The garden does not end in space any more than it does in time. The flowers grow as much in our minds as in the soil.”
― Montagu Don

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Mae hanner cyntaf mis Mai wedi teimlo fel un diwrnod hir iawn. Roedd hynny oherwydd ein bod ni'n delio ag un peth holl y tro - y cwt. 

Heddiw gwnaethon ni rhywbeth gwahanol - aethon ni i Pugh's yn Radyr. Gwnes i fwynhau'r bob rhan o'r dydd - y daith seiclo, ffeindio maen nhw nawr yn darparu cyfleusterau cloi beicio cysgodol, y planhigion, y gacen, ac y prynu pethau amrywiol i'r ardd. Er roeddwn i dal flinedig ac yn boenus ar ôl holl y gwaith, rydw i'm meddwl fy mod i wedi yn fwy hamddenol na phe baem wedi aros gartref. Roedd yn ddiwrnod llawn hwyl
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The first half of May has felt like one very long day. That was because we were dealing with one thing all the time - the hut. 

Today we did something different - we went to Pugh's in Radyr. I enjoyed every part of the day - the cycle ride, finding they now provide sheltered cycle locking facilities, the plants, the cake, and buying sundry things for the garden. Although I was still tired and sore after all the work, I think I was more relaxed than if we had stayed at home. It was a fun filled day

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun tri phen, canolfan arddio
Description (English):  Three headed sculpture, garden centre

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