
By LadyFindhorn

Soaking up the Sun

The sun shone from the off today which in itself is a momentous occasion. The haar of the last few days had been shown the door so to speak although there were remnants of the cool NE breeze reminding me that it could reappear at a moment’s notice.

It was the very day to get down to Porty and enjoy a sunny dip, but I had other fish to fry so that didn’t happen- I was locked into staying put and enjoying the sedentary company of friends under a blue sky.

My blip today shows a measure of desperation as I’ve not ventured far from the house. This is my little avocado family - Princess, Pea and Piddles out on the patio for some time in the sun. They are all flourishing having been tended by an attentive neighbour whilst I was in Orkney. Before I went I gave Princess the snip to encourage her to branch out. The little operation was so successful that the boys got the snip yesterday with hopefully the same result.

It’s Friday and I am looking forward to the TGIF drinks with the neighbours. It’s been 3 weeks since I met with them and I need to hear the gossip.

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