Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Red Alert

They had that lovely strawberry scent and were super tasty!

In Japan it is believed that the color Red stands for the Evil.. in reflection to that idea my Red Fruits stand for the Evil what happened today in our country The Netherlands = 

Three leaders of political rightwing parties reached an agreement with the extreme rightwing party PVV of Geert Wilders ~ actually his party has no other member but himself! 
I still cannot imagine that 1/4th of us Dutch voted for him last November when elections were held... one of every 4 fellow Dutch?!!  Geert Wilders is a Populists who is not focused on realizing program points nor on solving problems, but on destabilizing, polarizing and inciting hatred. He is a time bomb that cannot be dismantled!

And the sequel is anyone's guess. If Wilders is unable to significantly stem the asylum and migration influx (and he will not succeed), his arrows will be aimed at further undermining the government, the judiciary and the EU.

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