
By JanetMayes

Herb Robert flattened

It rained for most of the day, so I didn't go for the planned walk, but I used M's time supporting J to catch up with various little jobs, including sowing another batch of seeds (under cover) to start in the propagator - courgettes, dwarf beans, basil, more lettuces, Brussels sprouts. I'm very late with everything, but the earlier sowings are doing well now, with a bit more warmth and sun recently, so I hope they'll be ready to go outside in reasonable time. 

I finally remembered to remove the cyanotypes J and I made over a week ago from the pile of books between which they had been flattening. They are not impressive, streaky with some wrinkles and little tears as well as lacking in clear definition, but it's all I have to offer. The Herb Robert leaves worked reasonably, but the daisies have all but disappeared into little blobs, with just a faint impression of the petals now that I've cheated by increasing the contrast a bit. I guess this means I left it in the sun for too long, but I suspect the overall colour would have been very pale if I'd rinsed it sooner. More trial and error clearly needed! 

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