
By Teasel


We woke to yet another really lovely morning, however after yesterday’s experience I did not dress for summer.  By the time we were in Edinburgh, the haar was well and truly in.  The heating in the office was completely off this morning, so I was glad that I was not dressed for a hot day.  All in all the office felt quite chilly all day.
It was pretty grey in Edinburgh all day.  I popped out at lunchtime and it was grey and when I left this evening it was damp.  I had a late meeting, which meant I had to get a later bus home than I would have liked.
After tea, BB wanted to book his university accommodation, so we spent some time looking at that, and then booking it.  Oh to be young again! This meant I ended up going for a very late walk to get my steps in.
It was rather gloomy at lunchtime, but this laburnum tree is in bloom in St Andrew’s Square – and it stood out against he greyness of the day.

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