Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Friday: City Hall

We had a slightly more leisurely start to the day, probably on account of our late night yesterday.  After a very large bagel we went down to the Staten Island Ferry to do what every tourist does who doesn’t want to pay silly prices to get up close to the Statue of Liberty.  The Staten Island Ferry is a wonderful free service, running 24 hours a day, that also gets you great views of the statue.  It was quite busy so it seems everyone else had the same idea.

From there we went to the 9/11 Memorial.  The first time I went to New York the twin towers were such a feature of the city.  Inevitably, it lead to a conversation of where we all were when we heard about the attack.  Definitely a defining moment for many of us.

And a trip to this part of the world wouldn’t be complete without a visit to a microbrewery so it was over to Williamsburg and ‘Grimm Artisanal Ales’.  J’s friend, Gabe, told us that it was the best brewery in the US.  I wouldn’t go quite that far but it was definitely decent, and had a very cute brewery cat.

I’ve added a few extras, including one of J&S looking subway cheery.

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