Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

MayFest 2024

Today was Winchester's annual MayFest, so the High Street, the Square and the Cathedral grounds were all full of folk dancers with strange costumes, strange make-up and strange musical instruments ;))  I went there looking for faces and decided to stick with mono for these shots.  I think the new camera performed pretty well (better than me, probably) and it was great to come home without being crippled by backache!

The main shows one of the younger dancers, er, dancing.  She was performing with six other women, one of whom was her mother and another her grandmother.  They were a brilliant troupe.  In Extras are a variety of other performers.

Thank you so much, dear blipfriends, for all your kindness over this rather strange hiatus.  I do deeply appreciate it.  And have a great evening  xx

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