My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Princes Park

Rushing around this morning getting organised for the trip tomorrow with Anne; hope I don't forget anything. LOL! I mean there'll be shops there if need be.
I called my sons; checked the Greenhouse, visited Joan then home to make a Picnic to take to Jane's.
Lovely as always to see Jane; we sat in the garden with our Picnics & a cuppa chatting over what's been happening all week & also about my trip; Jane also is going on a trip in June, so exciting times if not a bit anxious too.
Jane & I went for a walk in Princes Park to see all the flowers & I loved this a wild Geranium with Cow Parsley... gorgeous.
We finished it off with a Cuppa from The Perch & a slice of Millionaire Shortbread between us. :)

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