
By Marik_i

A new interest

When I wrote of the forty year old oak across the street I used the word 'old' and was somewhat corrected that an oak is not old until it is 300 years old. The comment came from the British isles where not only oaks, but castles and horse shows and lawns tend to be hundreds of years old before they are even considred mature. I admit, I agree.
But just the other day we could read in the news that scholars at Memphis University in the US have discovered an ancient riverbed of Nile that might explain how the rocks to the pyramid sites were transported. They were moved using a side river of the Nile. 
That only consisted of three or four lines of text on the news page, but it took us 4500 years back in time. Forty-five hundred years made me interested in the Egyptian history immediately. I have downloaded a couple of books already to my e-reader.

But curiously the first thing I did was to check the Blip archives! I went to Blip's 'map' section and there to 'giza' pyramids, and there I found several fine photographs of the largest pyramids taken years ago by some blippers who are still around.

I think that everything made or built after the pyramids is worthless. I am going to dig into the history of ancient Egypt with all my energy. I am not interested in anything else anymore. You need not speak to me of anything else. I don't hear or see anything else. :-)

And most importantly, as we know, the cat in Egypt was sacred. I will try to get a copy of a cat statue to my desk...

And I wish I could still travel.

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