
By Woolley

Green man in the making

Did a quick run down to Beaumont park with Sky this morning then walked down to church for the Lord Mayor’s Service! We sang an anthem. Then went for coffee and a teacake in Waterstones! Home then out with Sky to go to Mount Edgecumbe. Managed to get down in an hour to the ferry.

Went to the orangery for tea and cake and then went to the green space to let sky have a run chasing the ball! Stupid me! He zoomed off having got the ball straight down to the beach where he spent an hour and twenty minutes chasing madly between people throwing stones in the water! He forgets everything and I was fortunate that’s group of young men were able to catch him for me! We did get the 4.30 ferry back but then walked around the hoe so didn’t get back till 5.50!

With great good fortune s&E we’re going out and could give me a lift to church where I was helping with coffee and tea after the service! Fortunately I ha d a lift back then and could have the rest of the beef stew that I made yesterday! Looking forward to bed! 27,000 steps! Glad I have bare foot shoes! My apologies for lack of comments. Weill catch up tomorrow when I am back home for a couple of weeks!

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