Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Sunday: Dried Out

I think I may have shown you this view of the garden before but I just wanted to show you how dry it currently is.  It’s hard to believe that it’s supposed to be a lush green lawn.  It is very hot at the moment and we are sorely in need of rain.  There is also a strong smell of burning in the air on account of brush fires (some man-made, some not).

I’ve had quite a busy day today.  Not with anything significant, just catching up on various things.  I also sorted my sock drawer which was exciting.  

My attempt to catch up on holiday washing was hampered by walking into the laundry and finding the washing machine missing, so that’s a mystery that will need solving……….

I also met S for coffee so got out the house for a bit.  And I had nice FaceTime with K.  

I’d made myself a list of jobs this morning and got through everything.  I will confess it’s a blatant ploy to keep myself occupied.

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