
By bevwestwood

Let's shout about summer!!

Well it would appear that summer has arrived this year. And yes, I'll soon complain that it's too hot but it is lovely to feel the sun on your back. Spent a very lazy day today, pepped up by the fabulous win by The British and Irish Lions down under. Didn't venture out much in the heat. Have to say though, being close to the east coast may have its downsides re cloud etc but the breeze has been very welcome today, taking the edge off the temperature. eventually decided to sit out and have tea in the garden and was serenaded by this little fella high up in the Birch tree. Remembered this poem - the last line is very apt just at the moment.

Summer Evening by John Clare
The frog half fearful jumps across the path,
And little mouse that leaves its hole at eve
Nimbles with timid dread beneath the swath;
My rustling steps awhile their joys deceive,
Till past, and then the cricket sings more strong,
And grasshoppers in merry moods still wear
The short night weary with their fretting song.
Up from behind the molehill jumps the hare,
Cheat of his chosen bed, and from the bank
The yellowhammer flutters in short fears
From off its nest hid in the grasses rank,
And drops again when no more noise it hears.
Thus nature's human link and endless thrall,
Proud man, still seems the enemy of all.

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