
By Jamjar

I noticed this wisteria when I was walking to my sports massage after lunch, so I made sure I took a photo on the way back. 

My body was a bit creaky getting out of bed this morning, not so much from yesterday's climbing as from yesterday's lack of post-activity stretching, so I've only myself to blame! I did a couple of hours in the charity shop, left at midday, drove to Asda to fill up with fuel and buy their big bags of nuts, then home. But there wasn't really enough time for lunch and I ended up leaving my cuppa on the table.

The woman who did the sports massage seems good, she was recommended by the previous person I went to, who's now found he hasn't got the time. That's understandable, he's got a full time job and a young family. She's studying physiotherapy and seems very knowledgeable, she's local, I'll definitely go back.

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