Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Snooty Sunbather!

Charlie was determined to ignore me today - she is so funny sometimes :)

See the extra for the tongue stuck out in defiance I think!

In other news, I was actually sitting outside this afternoon when a great tit or two came back and forth to the fat ball feeder - second extra - of course I was too far away, but at another time I was by the washing line without camera of course :):)

Charlie just slept through in the garden...

A long day of deliberating between interview organisation (not going well for tomorrow's one), taking the car for a run and getting the tyres checked.  Really hoping the drive goes well tomorrow...

The one I went to on Tuesday and the one I did a video for are both rejected by the firms concerned....  As usual, someone is always much better than me.  Its so hard :(

Sending love to Paladin and Rower2012 as they said goodbye to their beautiful  puss Raj today....

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