The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


…………………………..graffiti because although there are occasional bouts of wanton vandalism in the village there’s no graffiti at the moment…thankfully. I could’ve walked to Berwick to find some but an evening stroll at low tide was more appealing.

A good meeting this morning with my siblings and the care home means we’re now all working for the same goals. Hopefully the physio is coming tomorrow to see her so I’ll pop up to see what they say. A cuppa and a cake with my sisters afterwards and a top up shop before heading home as I was expecting the plumber to service my boiler. The weather was glorious so I had lunch in the garden, I was about to hang my washing out when I spied the window cleaner so waited until he’d finished. A phone call to say the plumber was delayed could he come tomorrow morning instead! The rest of the afternoon was spent pottering in the garden; doing an online grocery shop and lounging…no mad turns today!!

Thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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