
By Arachne


Such a fun day!

We meandered from Bude to Weymouth for the next gig and had the best stopovers:

Tintagel was so sea-misted that we couldn't even see both halves of the bridge into the castle so we decided to save it for a sunnier day.

St Nectan's Glen didn't need the sun - a great walk up (and down and up-down-up again) the valley to see the waterfall. Most people walked to the viewing point across the river on the stepping stones but I wasn't confident enough of my balance so took my trainers and socks off, rolled up my trousers and waded through the water.

When I realised how close we were to Lyme Regis, where neither of us had ever been before, we did a minor detour. Oh, the fossils (extra)! I was very surprised to see that it was OK to take small ones as souvenirs. All we found was large ones which we left for others.

And Weymouth in time for the soundcheck. The pub was full of likely-looking punters but they all left for a boxing match on TV before the gig started. The band worked impressively hard in front of a tiny audience, and the few of us left in front of the stage worked impressively hard to be loud and enthusiastic. Really tough for the musicians and I was awed by their professionalism.

- Just look at that wall!
- Fossil

Black and white in colour 287

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