
By bekaboo


Day 187

After a pleasant morning at Camp Van we began our slow ramble up Kinder Scout, slow cos it was so darn hot. We rambled on for a good 6 or 7 hours and in no particular order:

- saw sheep, lots of sheeps
- I moaned every 15 min about it being too hot, the breeze was my friend when it could be arsed
- stuntweasel looked hot in his Indiana Jones hat
- kept having nice sit downs, cos it was hot
- I had a mini breakdown as we attempted the 'path of death' so named by me due to the shear drop on the one side. Stuntweasel will say its a slight exaggeration but such is my fear of shear drops that we had to backtrack and take another route before I completely lost it
- still despite the heat and the near death experience we made it to the top for a nice, you guessed it - sit down for a pic-ker-nic. Until giant ants tried to eat us (that is an exaggeration)
- we walked along the top, chatted and admired the views (today's blip is one such vantage point)
- played mountain goats as we climbed down the rocky waterfall and cooled off in the falls/ pool. Proper treats cos ... wait for it..... It was so darn hot.
- dragged ourselves from this little oasis down to Edale and the Nags Head for pints of coke and beer and feeds.
- just had enough energy to make it back to Camp Van that had gone from peaceful and tranquil to something resembling a refugee camp.
- still we were exhausted, sun chapped and of course hot, but most of all HAPPY

Peace x

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