Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Your Favourite Tree

Or at least the one that was the subject of my most favourited image too date on Blip. Quite difficult to sleep last night I woke up at 4:30 am and after a quick visit (you know where) I looked out the window to see a misty scene.

I haven't seen a sunrise for about a month so got up and headed out, The mist hung in patches, the sun breaking through on occasion and then dipping behind cloud. I ended up at the location of this shot. THe light never really lifted into the glow from that day but I do like the way the tree sits on the curve in the canal, almost a sentinel.

A little later on at about 7:00 am I came across about 50 people in bright yellow refective tabards, swarming over a field, picking the crop. I stopped, got out and immediately realised what crop it was. WIth tears beginning to well up in my eyes I got back into the car and came to the realisation that leeks gave off a particularly pungent smell when picked!

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