
By ABeautifulWorld

Ramdhan Kareem/Mubarak! :) :)

Ramadan Kareem :) (Happy Ramadan)

Today is the first day of Ramadan (pronounced: Ramadhan) :D

My lack of blips lately is because I've been preparing for Ramadan. I was quite nervous for the fasts this year as they stretch up to 19.5 hours everyday - but it pays off well because it's a chance to discipline our body and mind, practise self-control and by staying away from the luxuries, it lets us be grateful for them!

In a nutshell, it's holy month in the Islamic Calendar in which Muslims from across the globe sacrifice their day to day luxuries, pray for the needy and fast from dawn to dusk to acknowledge the poor who are hungry in our world and to show commitment and devotion to God. It's also encouraged to treat Ramadan like a New Year (with resolutions etc).

If I'm thinking correctly ... it's like Lent! (please correct me if i'm wrong)

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy Summer!

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