
I opened this new Argyll Community Housing Association development of 8 houses in Dalmally this morning - the first socially rented new builds in the village for 30 years.

There are several groups of rented homes like this springing up across Argyll as a result of local initiatives supported by a variety of new Scottish Government schemes including the Housing Innovation Fund and local government support. That increased provision can only be helped by the abolition of the right to buy.

ACHA , Argyll & Bute Council , the Scottish Government and Scottish Water have all been key partners in Dalmally and the high quality construction was undertaken by Argyll firm M&K MacLeod.

The imaginative touch of the unique sign celebrates the close connection between Dalmally and the blackface breed. The world record at auction for a blackface lamb was set at Dalmally Auction Mart last year - a whopping £90,000 !

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