An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sunshine Smiles...

Bit of a topsy turvey day.

Alan's school pal Andrew was supposed to visit this afternoon but wasn't able to come. Alan was so disappointed, he actually cried. I was able to reassure him that Andrew would definitely be able to come over once we got back from France and that cheered him up.

Had an unexpected visit from my stepdad John and Alan was really pleased to see his Grandpa. We sat outside in the sunshine to have lunch and were joined by Marion, Alan's support worker (and my right hand woman :) and I couldn't help but blip her cheery smile.

I am loving this gorgeous weather despite it's still making my hair curly even though it's now short! and I think at least half a dozen freckles have joined together to make me positively sun-kissed ;)

Apologies for my erratic and almost non existent commenting. I just don't seem to have a minute at the moment. I hope to have a proper catch up over the weekend :)) xx

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