
More than twenty years ago I bought a bunch of daylily plants, some one year and some the next, and planted them all along our driveway. When I planted them I remember that I read that it was recommended to dig them up periodically and thin them out and replant them. I was even planning to share some with friends. Well you know about those "best laid plans." Never did. Never dug them up. Never thinned them out. Never moved them. And every year they come out and create a riot of color all along our driveway. This is just one of the many varieties we have. We have early to late, yellow to deep almost black purple red, large to small, in no particular order except that I tried to keep like colors apart and have a scattering of times so that something would be out in most places. Must say it worked and I'm delighted that every year we have such beauty. Press "L" for this in the large version.

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