
By samsticks

...Without a Paddle

Today we experienced our first foray into the property market. We bid for an apartment at auction this morning. We were outbid, but the whole thing was a fun and worthwhile experience. We'll keep looking as now that we've met with the mortgage broker and have sorted out preapproval, we know that it actually works out cheaper for us to buy and meet our monthly repayments than to rent.

Which seems ridiculous.

Gina's out this evening for Faye's 30th - Miles and I popped along for a while and then set off leaving her to have a well-deserved break.

She's not back yet, and I'm hoping that I'll not be seeing her till the early hours - she's had a full-on few weeks!

This shot was taken on High Street, Northcote. The sign is made up of bottle caps and beer cans, surrounded by leaves and covers the boarded up windows of an empty shop.

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