The boy with giant hands!

This was supposed to be a blip of Alfie's grubby face after dinner (we had ribs). He was trying to make as much mess as possible and certainly seems to have succeeded.
When I saw the picture I noticed that (due to the positioning of the camera) his hands looked huge! Handy for wicket keeping..

After a late night last night there was no chance of a lie in as Poppy had swimming at 9 then the rabbits needed to go to the vet (who finally, after being asked several times gave us the outstanding bill for George, which made us very sad, A) because it reminded us of the smelly little chap and B) it is a bloody fortune !

Alf then went to the final rock school of the school year. They really want him to go back, he's torn between that and football. What would you do?

Then to swimming, it seems there are blippers everywhere these days ;)

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