The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Big sun

The sun sets behind Lindale as seen from the shore west of Arnside.

A brief blip as it is late. The most extraordinary thing for the record today concerned Reggie the tortoise. I went to sit outside with a cup of tea at lunchtime, and as I sat on the patio, I heard a rustle from the little wall that encloses the flower bed. I thought it might be a mouse, but when I looked it was Reggie. This is a part of the garden that he is not supposed to be able to get to, there is a drystone wall to climb and a wooden barrier across the flower bed - somehow he had scaled both of them. It was a fluke that I happened to be there to see him, or else he might have made his get away. He would have had to somehow drop down off the wall, but I am beginning to realise he might be capable of that. So I spent some time trying to reinforce the first line of defence this afternoon, but I'm not sure it is tortoise proof yet.

ps Last night we opened the envelope in which was the Keer to Kent Journal of the Landscape Trust, and on the front cover was this!

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