The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Good dolly, Miss Molly!

No, it's not hallowe'en ... I found this doll that my niece made for me when she was just nine. You can see some more of her dolls on my sister/her Mum's first ever blip page. She is a teenager now, and prefers to hang out with her mates, but this doll has such an amazing outfit that I couldn't even begin to make it, aged 49!

The evening sun was streaming though the window so I decided to try a bit of spot metering and adjusting the exposure for bright light, and pretending to be at college with a mannequin. But I ended up blipping Miss Molly in super macro with LED (by mistake) and then she turned green, and then I thought oh! that's interesting! Can I fiddle with that a bit more? and so on. I liked the light on her hair.

But she's well creepy. So is the TV series, The Returned, which I am still watching. Maybe this doll is Victor's sister, and can lock doors by telekinesis. I fimd myself thinking about the plot during the daytime. That's a good sign.

Work was ok: was in the air conditioned rooms most of the day (even escaped being in the hot hall and was redirected to Early Years). Volunteering was tres hot, outdoor play only! and then our little family all went to the vet's. Bomble was given a clean bill of health, and CleanSteve was given a bill equivalent to more than two weeks of my pay, and then we went home and I watched TV and ate a Mint Feast.

Thank you all so very much for your lovely comments and stars on my birthday! I was totally chuffed at all the very touching things that were said, and of course delighted to be part of this community. When I found I'd reached the first page of the spotlight, a first for me, I started turning cartwheels! Then the lampshades started shaking....

Some totally unrelated music because I love Frasier and it's very hot...

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