
By memento

Open for business

Finally, my first patron...and a spectacular male American Goldfinch, no less!

I did everything possible to make this restaurant a success. I carefully chose the location, put plenty of signs out, took great pains to create a charming décor and ambiance, went to great expense to lure the finest chef and secure a menu that is second to none in my neighborhood. Why it took so long to draw the first customer is a complete mystery. Perhaps I should have spent more on advertising and not relied solely on word-of-mouth.

I am not deluding myself by thinking that this image will win an Audubon Award for fine avian photography...the sun was so bright and by the time I realized I needed to adjust the exposure and ISO setting, my first patron had left...I hope that's not a bad sign for my brand new restaurant.

He did leave me a lovely, generous tip on the pavers below the feeder though...what a nice little f...inch!

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