My car for a change!

Today I are mostly scraping paint off old gates!

The Jet Age Museum should be opening it's gates to the public on August Bank Holiday this year (Inshallah!).
The gates that will be opening are the original gates that were at the entrance to the Gloster Aircraft Company factory and they've been languishing in a farmers field for the past 10 or 11 years so you can imagine they are in a bit of a state.
Myself and other volunteers were out there today scraping and wire brushing them to get them ready for painting with 'Hammerite' paint. It's a tiring and lugaborious job (a word my late father in law made up) but it's a labour of love for the museum.

I might blip the gates themselves next week as we are all back there Wednesday to finish them off. Thought I'd indulge myself with a photo of my car with some of the exhibits that still need restoring in the background. There's plenty to go into the museum though.

Anyone would be welcome to come along, join the museum (if you aren't already) and give a hand, there's lots of things to do.

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