Country File

By marypot


Not really a wasteland at all but it isn't really being used for anything and it was a song title that sprung to mind. It looks rather pretty actually. It's next to the pub where our little team had lunch today before our last meeting of the school year. It's been a weird one. I've only put in about ten weeks or so, with eight months of maternity leave sandwiched in between. As with every part of the public sector these days, there have been many changes recently and many more are in the offing. I think we provide a fantastic service to the children, their families and their schools so I hope we can continue to provide it in future years.

Grace had her school trip to Adventure Valley in Durham today. Ophelia played some tennis at the new courts with preschool. They're having a great last week!

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my 1500th blip entry yesterday!!
198/365 completed!

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