
By cowgirl

I've got my eye(s) on you!

Not as sharp as I'd like, but have you ever tried to photograph hover flies? Nippy little critters so they are!

Love these gentle summer mornings, hanging out in the garden with the bugs. So peaceful - once the cats have been fed that is. Before that, there's almost ear splitting mewing as I never seem to be able to get the cat food out of the tin and into the cats quick enough ( for them ). Then when I open the door to the garden there are frantic squeaks from the guinea pigs, excited at the prospect of their delivery of freshly cut grass ( from wherever I can find it ). Both of these come after the goldfish have spotted me getting out of bed and gone into an agitated frenzy at the front of the tank, their way of demanding their breakfast!

Did I say peaceful?! Well it is now, even my tummy's quiet as its happy digesting its own fruit salad breakfast.

Have a lovely, peaceful day everyone!

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