Weekend to dye for...

While my back is healthy I've embarked on a must do a lot of projects phase

there are some rules ...

- a (secret) fixed budget which includes paying for the tool shed etc
- the bulk of the work to be done by me on my own
- maximum recycling

I love all the thrifty homemaker blogs (usually American) you can locate via sites like this

any how - the guest room was mainly done during Kassidy's recuperation ant the towels are currently in the washing machine changing colour to match the curtains

which left the maddest idea...when I redid the living room ages ago I decided I didn't like the curtains...BUT...I had spent £600 having them made (including pelmet & tie backs)

so they were moved into the bedroom because the sort of went with the bed linen

Last Tuesday I woke up with the idea that yes I'd change the colour to tie in better with the rugs

so photo one - after yesterday's first bit

photo two - second one done

next week ... well I think the bed linen is in for a shock (I test dyed a pillow case with the second curtain)

also managed a load of gardening
and a walk to the pub for lunch

so it's Tats@exhausted.com signing off

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