Resident with camera

By Lawrie

Personal Hell Series: #3

Haven't had one in this series for a while. The last one was the hell of paper doilies and the first one was the hell of soft furnishings. But today I encountered another personal hell in the supermarket. I like those trollies that aren't that deep, the ones that don't encourage you to place tons of stuff into their gaping maws. Of course supermarkets have a lot fewer of the smaller ones, after all they don't want you to be frugal. So I tend to be very pleased when I get one of the last remaining 'little' trolleys.

And that is how I ended up in this personal hell, making a grab for a last trolly and not realising the fault until it was too late, that point when you have entered through the magic barriers where you can not leave until you have made a purchase.

And so for 32 minutes I had to lurch around the supermarket behind the a trolly possessed by the demon of wonky wheels. I wouldn't mind if it was a regular wonkiness, a predictable wonkiness, an every three feet make sure you veer to the left to avoid the wonkiness. But no, the wonkiness is completely random.

Today's personal hell:

The Hell of Wonky Supermarket Trolleys.

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