The eXmoor Files

By PaulaK

165: Enchanters Nightshade

I think that these flowers might be linked to these.

Thank you all for your lovely comments on my 200th blip - it has reached spotlight! Yay!!! Thank you.

Had a lovely day today - it was Open Gardens day in Southam and my Mum and Dad had their garden open. It is such a lovely garden and they've put such a lot in to it and I am sure people enjoyed looking round.

I was on the gate (so to speak) and Draco was with me. Lyns and Sedge came along to see it, meet Mum and Dad and say goodbye as they are on the way back to Scotland tomorrow (with stops) - safe journey both x

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Quick amendment - I titled this Unidentified but I've remembered that gladders actually identified them last time! Thanks gladders :-)

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