Vie's journal

By Vie

Graduand becomings Graduate

First time I've blipped a photo I've not taken myself but seems appropriate. Graduation day today. Met Mum in Leamington for breakfast (after I got my shoes reheeled because I'm clever and didn't realise they were destroyed).

Went into Kenilworth to meet Dad & Grandparents for lunch at the Almanack. Been meaning to go for ages, should have gone sooner, food was very good.

Got thoroughly spoilt as a combination of Graduation today and birthday tomorrow:
- Tiffney's necklace (absolutely beautiful)
- TomTom
- Delivery of car (yey! Sorry you had to drive it up Dad!)
- Raybans >.<

Got to campus where it was complete bedlam, nearly melted in the robes. I feel so bad for the guys in suits.

In the ceremony, two people hugged the Chancellor, one ran back to correct the pronunciation of his name, and someone took a selfie on the stage. Oh, and I didn't fall.

After the ceremony, many many photos were taken. Home to change into something less melty, and then off to the Duke and the Grand Union with Axel for a celebratory dinner and bevvy.

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